Greenville, Maine WEATHER

Monson Finn Hall Dancing Around the World with Lessons

Monson Finn Hall 479 Main Rd., Monson, ME, United States

Dancing at the Finn Hall in Monson. Kid free and adults $10. FMI 207-343-0388 or Mike at 757-714-7522. Live music, delicious refreshments and more! Dancing starts at 7 pm with lessons.

50th International Seaplane Fly-In

Mark your calendars! The 50th annual International Seaplane Fly-in will be taking place September 5th through the 8th. Our organization is looking forward to a great year to celebrate this special anniversary and we hope to see you all there! Stay tuned for more information about how we plan to make this a special year! […]

Restore Meeting

American Legion Post #94 218 Pritham Ave., Greenville, ME, United States

Offering Christ Centered Restoration. If you or someone you know is affected by a life altering addiction, all are welcome and rides are available. Call: 207-949-7448 for rides or more information.

Restore Meeting

Offering Christ Centered Restoration. If you or someone you know is affected by a life altering addiction, all are welcome and rides are available. Call: 207-949-7448 for rides or more information.

A Handmade Fair

Piscataquis Valley Fair 77 Fairview Ave., Dover-Foxcroft, ME, United States