Love at First “Sip”

NORTHWOODS OUTFITTERS – If you don’t believe in love at first sight, maybe “love at first sip” is more palatable? This Moosehead love story made us believers! Now, we all know Northwoods Outfitters in downtown Greenville makes a killer Cup o’ Joe, but is it good enough to make a man fall in love?
You’d have to ask Vincent Muzychko, a New Jersey boy who got suckered into a last-minute Moosehead fishing trip with his buddies. He had never been to the area before and didn’t know what to expect. He thought maybe he’d catch a fish or two, but he never imagined he’d land the love of his life. Out of all the fish in the sea (or lake, in this case), Acelia turned out to be his greatest catch.
Acelia Harding was working at Northwoods as a barista when an unsuspecting Vincent stopped in just hoping to score a decent cup of coffee in the remote wilderness of the North Maine Woods. All that changed when he spotted Acelia. Before that day, Vincent’s coffee habits resembled that of the Average “Joe,” but when he saw Acelia behind the counter he suddenly morphed into a caffeine connoisseur. He returned each day of his trip, certainly more than necessary, so he could get to know Acelia more.
Before his trip was over, and despite the caffeine jitters, he found the courage to ask her on a date. She agreed. The only problem was, he was from New Jersey and had no plans of returning to Moosehead anytime soon. He told himself, however, if she somehow said yes, he would find a way to make it happen.
A long-distance relationship developed with lots of travelling back and forth. I’m willing to bet there were many cups of coffee consumed on those long drives. It must have been true love, though, because in 2018 the pair were married in the Union Church in Greenville, only a stone’s throw (or walk across the parking lot) from where they met at Northwoods Outfitters that fateful day. The pair is now happily married, the “sweetest couple” according to friends and family, and have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Hattie, 3 and Carey, 9 mos.
Friends, just go on the fishing trip. And have that cup of coffee. You never know what could happen! It just proves what we all knew: Moosehead is a magical place where anything is possible, even finding true love.